Information requirements when logging an issue/request/query via email

Information requirements when logging an issue/request/query via email

Q: What solution is the issue/request/query related to?
  2. PD CAPTURE (Zoho) Reporter
  3. PD for AP
  4. PD Reporter
  5. PD Web
  6. ReadSoft Online 
Q: What is the Priority/Severity level for this issue/request/query? Choose between level 1 – 7 from below:
  1. Critical - An issue completely disabling the functionality of the Platform for all users.
  2. Serious - An issue having a serious effect on the functionality of the Platform with no workaround available.
  3. Moderate - An issue having a material effect on the functionality of the Platform with a workaround.
  4. Minor - An issue having minor effect on the functionality of the Platform.
  5. Change request
  6. User assistance
  7. Technical assistance
Q: Can you describe, with as much detail as possible, the issue/request/query you have?
Q: Do you have any screenshots for reference?
Q: Have you logged this internally with your super-user/IT? Do you have an internal incident/request number that has already been logged? If so, please provide it.